Operating in a dairy farming environment, where the cows don’t stop milking, as well as being suppliers to one of the largest supermarket chains in New Zealand that had orders to be filled, shutting down for a refurbishment was out of the question.
Fresha Valley Processors previously had other applicators and competitors systems applied within this space, but they ultimately failed as the high moisture content was not taken into consideration. High levels of moisture in the room are due to the constant hygienic demands of washing down the floor daily, along with the lactic acid of the milk from the overflow coming from the bottling machine to a drain.
With these factors of moisture and time, the Flowcrete team along with Concrete Specialist agreed that only a Flowfast system using the time saving, fast curing properties of methyl methacrylate (MMA) resin would allow this project to have any chance of success. Flowfast SRQ was chosen, as the quartz would also provide a safe, non-slip surface for the team at Fresha Valley working in the wet floored environment of bottling room.
Because of the moisture we also chose to specially order in the Flowfast Damp Primer that we don’t typically carry in the Flowcrete NZ range. The Flowfast Damp Primer allows us to apply the primer on a substrate that has 98% RH.
The surface is still required to be dry before applying the primer and as part of the planning, Concrete Specialist brought with them multiple fans to expediate the drying of the surface when Fresh Valley handed over to them at 10am. Fresha Valley needed to be back in operation by 4am the next day.
Concrete Specialists only had 16 hours to prep, grind, prime, body coat, broadcast the quartz aggregate and apply the sealer coats to the bottling room, they did it with 3 hours to spare!
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